v1.20.0 - September 27, 2023

The following changes are included in this release of the Next Identity platform.

New Features


⭐ Connect Providers Enhancement

We are thrilled to introduce the revamped Connect Providers feature in Next Identity, a comprehensive solution that facilitates seamless integration with various services within your digital ecosystem.

  • Easily navigate and view various services integrated within your digital ecosystem.
  • Detailed steps to view the specifics of the Akamai provider, including the details of a specific instance and the list of associated clients.

For a deeper understanding and to explore the step-by-step guide to utilizing the Connect Providers feature, please visit the documentation.


⭐ Translations on Next Identity Console

In our continuous effort to streamline and enhance user experience, we are excited to introduce the Translations feature in the Next Identity Console. This update is designed to contribute to consulting and managing translations, making them more intuitive. Here are the key highlights of this release:

  • Navigate through a user-friendly interface that lets you easily view, search, and filter translations across different levels.
  • Quickly find specific translations by key or language and refine your searches with advanced filtering options for a more targeted approach.
  • Manage your translations more efficiently with features that allow for streamlined viewing and filtering, reducing the likelihood of errors and facilitating smoother operations.

For a detailed walkthrough of the concepts, features, and benefits of using Next Identity Translations, check out our guide.



  • IDP1.2 Integration for Enhanced User Management: We are integrating IDP1.2 to further enhance user management capabilities within the Next Identity platform.

Bug Fixes


  • Locale-Specific Email Notifications: We have addressed an issue to provide more personalized communications through locale-specific email notifications.


  • User Re-addition Post Deletion: We have resolved a bug that prevented the re-addition of a previously deleted user, streamlining the user management process.