v1.3.24 - July 20, 2022

The following new feature, enhancement and bug fixes have been deployed to the Next Identity platform.

New feature

Next Identity Journeys

⭐ Voice OTP

End users can now choose to receive the one-time password (OTP) by receiving a phone call instead of an SMS message. This feature is especially useful in regions that have high levels of undelivered SMS messages. This functionality adds an option to the standard SMS OTP, since phone calls generally are more practical and reliable.


Next Identity Journeys

⭐ Added static IDs for HTML elements

Added static IDs for HTML elements used for password change/reset in order to identify them properly during development and automated testing.

Bug fixes

Next Identity Journeys

✅ Passwordless authentication toggle not working in the Edit profile page

An issue, where the biometric button still appears on the login page even when the user toggles the passwordless authentication option off from the profile screen, has been fixed.

✅ Submitting an invalid verification code displays incorrect error message

An issue where an incorrect error message is displayed when an invalid verification code is displayed, has been fixed. Now, the correct error message is displayed to guide the user accordingly.

Atlas Console

✅ Users are not logged out of the session after 1 hour of inactivity

An issue where a user who has been inactive for 1 hour is not logged out is now fixed. Now, instead of resulting to an unresponsive page, the user is logged out of the session.

✅ Feedback is not being displayed.

The issue where the feedback button is not being displayed is now fixed.

✅ Cannot select client in Firefox

The issue where users can't select a client from the drop-down menu when using the Firefox browser is now fixed.