v.1.3.33 - October 12-13, 2022

The following enhancements have been deployed to the Next Identity Platform.


Atlas Console

⭐ Properties page advanced search filter result

When using the advanced search in Properties page, the results data will be expanded, and the Collapse all button will be displayed.

⭐ Properties page redirect

When user selects a property detail or clients details then selects another customer in the dropdown option, user will be redirected to the properties list page of the newly selected customer.

⭐ Security option labels update

The security option labels in the advanced search of properties page are now updated.

⭐ Atlas user interface update

Several UI enhancements have been implemented to improve the spacing of information displayed.

Next Identity Journeys

⭐ Infrastructure

Additional resources have been added to the Journeys service.

Bug fixes

Next Identity API

✅ Salesforce connect error

The issue where several 4xx error alerts were received after salesforce connector was activated has been fixed.

Atlas Console

✅ Property advanced search result tag

The issue where deleting specific property status tag deletes all property statuses in the advanced search result has been fixed.

✅ Search data field not clearing

The issue where data entered in search box is not cleared after selecting a new customer has been fixed.