v.1.3.36 - November 8-9, 2022

The following enhancements have been deployed to the Next Identity Platform.

New Features

Next Identity API

⭐ Just In Time Migration - API automated and user driven merge

JIT migration involves running the old and new systems in parallel and migrating the data as the consumer authenticates. For the API, there is an endpoint to move the user from the home system into the local system. The endpoint will create a user in the local system and accept all parameters of the user record along with the password.

⭐ Events

This feature allows the collection of insights from activities that provide a granular and real-time look into key aspects of the platform.

Atlas Console

⭐ Onboarding Dashboard

Onboarding is a new menu item in Atlas. Accessing this menu will redirect user to the onboarding page which also shows the properties by stages.


Next Identity API

⭐ Voice OTP length and numeric validation

This will remove the value of the default voice code length and numeric validation in the IDP if the verification code length does not exist in the client setting.

Next Identity Journeys

⭐ Custom branding color consistency

Application who uses custom branding will have uniform colors in their screens. Button colors will be consistent to the headers.

⭐ New Journeys UX configuration

A plugin that will route requests based on the client ID in the query string parameter has been developed.

⭐ Discovery URL update

The response_modes_supported field in the Discovery URL has been enabled to support integration.


Improvements on how services connects with the database.

Atlas Console

⭐ Properties filter

The properties filter can now work with more than six selected clients.

⭐ Interface improvements

The Atlas UI has been improved for a more positive user experience.

Bug fixes

Next Identity API

✅ Valid pin not accepted

The issue where a valid PIN is not being accepted when registering an email with capital letter in /register endpoint has been fixed.

✅ Next Identity Journeys

The Create account button is now disabled when the provided mobile number has invalid format.

Atlas Console

✅ Analytics user count

The issue where user count is not being displayed correctly has been fixed. The script was changed to start considering data from previous years.