v1.34.0 - May 23, 2024


High-Risk Update: Multi-Account Management with 2FA Exception

This update introduces changes to 2FA. We are actively monitoring the system post-release and have a 15-minute rollback plan ready to swiftly address any critical issues. Your immediate reporting of anomalies is crucial to ensuring platform stability and security.

The following changes are included in this Next Identity platform release.



  • Alphabetical Sorting of Property Fields: Enhanced Inventory and Analyze Engagement screens with alphabetical sorting of property fields and a "Select All" option.


  • Restrict Themes Access to Admins: Updated the Next Identity Console to ensure only admin users can access the Themes page, with unauthorized access redirecting to an error page.
  • IDP Updates to Support Hosted Journeys Migration: Enhanced the identity provider to allow relative account activation magic links, supporting seamless migration.
  • Multi-Account Management with 2FA Exception: Introduced a new phone number field for 2FA via SMS, supporting up to five email accounts with the same number.


  • Adjustments in Left-Side Menu for Internal Users: Modified the left-side menu to ensure internal users can access relevant features.

Bug Fixes


  • Redirect URI and Password Reset URL Not Updating: Addressed an issue where changes to the Redirect URI and password reset URL were not reflected on the front end after navigation actions in the Next Identity Console.
  • Security System Display Fix: Fixed a display issue in the Next Identity Console under Integration > Authentication, where Google Recaptcha and Honeypot were incorrectly shown as enabled; now, only Honeypot is displayed when both settings are enabled.