
✅ Email as user_id

These are the possible response codes when you make an API call to the /login endpoint with an email address as user_id.

Response codeErrorMessageScenarioResolution
--getaddrinfo ENOTFOUNDInvalid environment value and region in URLEnter the correct environment ID and region in URL
200 OK-authorization_code valueSuccessfully logged in using email-
200 OK-authorization_code valueMissing redirect_uri value-
200 OK-authorization_code valueMissing scope value-
200 OK-authorization_code valueMissing locale value-
200 OK-authorization_code valueRemoved locale value-
400 Bad Requestinvalid_domainInvalid API usageInvalid environment ID in URLEnsure that the environment ID in the URL / API call is correct.
400 Bad Requesthttp_exception"Invalid json format"Empty payloadAdd the payload.
400 Bad Requestinvalid_parameters"Invalid json format"Invalid JSON format used in the payload.Use correct JSON format for the payload.
401 Unauthorizedhttp_exceptionUnauthorizedLogged in using unregistered User email and passwordUse a registered user email and password.
401 Unauthorizedhttp_exception"error_details": {
"message": "unauthorized"
Log in attempt with invalid password
401 Unauthorizedhttp_exceptionUnauthorizedEnter an invalid/not existing email addressEnter a valid and existing email address
403 forbiddenforbidden-Logged in user without access for resource codeEnsure that the user is allowed to access the resource.
403 Forbiddenforbidden-Entered an invalid client_id or not existentEnter a valid, existing client_id.
422 Unprocessable Entityunverified_userunverified user accountLogged in using unverified accountCheck if the email address is verified, if not, have the user go through proper verification
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"client_id": { "missing': "required" }

**No error description
Missing client_idAdd the client_id value
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"error_details": {
"client_id": "field required"

**No error description"
Removed client_id parameterAdd the client_id parameter and value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"auth_type": {
"invalid": "unsupported auth_type value"
Missing auth_typeAdd the client_id value
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters{
"redirect_uri": "field required"
Removed redirect_uri parameterAdd the client_id parameter and value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters{
"grant_type": "field required"
Missing grant_type valueAdd the grant_type value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"{
"grant_type": "field required"
Removed grant_type parameterAdd the grant_type parameter and value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"user_id": {
"missing": "required"
Did not enter email addressEnter the email address as user_id value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters{
"user_id": "field required"
Removed user_id parameterAdd the user_id parameter and value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"error_details": {
"currentPassword": {
"missing": "field required"

**No error description"
Missing password valueEnter the password value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"error_details": {
"password": "field required"
Removed password parameterAdd the password parameter and value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_form_fields{

"error_description": "some inputs are invalid"
Too many login attemptsLimit your requests to within the rate limit of the client or environment.

✅ Mobile phone number as user_id

These are the possible response codes when you make an API call to the /login endpoint with an mobile phone number as user_id.

Response codeErrorMessageScenarioResolution
-getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND"Could not send request"Invalid environment in URLEnter the correct environment ID in the URL.
200 OK-authorization_code valueLogged in successfully using mobile phone number-
200 OK-authorization_code valueMissing value for redirect_uri-
200 OK-authorization_code valueMissing value for locale field-
200 OK-authorization_code valueRemoved locale parameter-
400 Bad Requestinvalid_domainInvalid API usageInvalid environment IDUse the correct environment ID.
401 unauthorizedhttp_exceptionUnauthorizedLogged in using unregistered mobile number as user_idUse a registered mobile number.
401 unauthorizedhttp_exceptionUnauthorizedLogged in using unverified mobile phone numberUse a verified mobile phone number.
401 Unauthorizedhttp_exceptionUnauthorizedMissing value for scope fieldEnter the scope value.
401 Unauthorizedhttp_exceptionUnauthorizedRemoved scope parameterAdd the scope parameter.
401 Unauthorizedhttp_exceptionUnauthorizedInvalid user_id - alphanumeric valueUse a valid user_id value.
401 Unauthorizedhttp_exceptionUnauthorizedMissing value for locale fieldEnter a valid locale value.
401 Unauthorizedhttp_exceptionUnauthorizedRemoved scope parameterAdd the scope parameter and value.
401 Unauthorizedhttp_exceptionUnauthorizedInvalid user_id - alphanumeric valueUse a valid user_id value.
403 Forbiddenhttp_exceptionForbiddenInvalid client_id valueUse a valid client_id value8.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameter"client_id": {
"missing": "required"

**No error description
Missing value in client_idEnter a valid client_id value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"error_details": {
"client_id": "field required"
Removed client_id parameterAdd the client_id parameter and value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"auth_type": {
"invalid": "unsupported auth_type value"

**no error description
Missing auth_type valueEnter the auth_type value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"auth_type": "field required"Removed auth_type paramaterAdd the auth_type parameter and value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"error_details": {
"redirect_uri": "field required"
Removed redirect_uri parameterAdd the redirect_uri parameter and value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"grant_type": {
"invalid": "invalid value"

**No error description
Missing value for grant_typeEnter the grant_type value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters{
"grant_type": "field required"
Removed grant_type parameterAdd the grant_type parameter and value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"user_id": {
"missing": "required"

**No error description
Missing value for user_idEnter the user_id value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"user_id": "field required"
Removed user_id parameterAdd the user_id parameter and value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"error_details": {
"password": "field required"
Removed password parameterAdd password parameter and value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"user_id": {
"missing": "required"

**No error description
Missing value for user_idEnter the user_id value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"user_id": "field required"
Removed user_id parameterAdd the user_id parameter and value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_form_fields{

"error_description": "some inputs are invalid"
Too many login attemptsLimit your requests to within the rate limit of the client or environment.
502 Bad gateway**Configuration issue only-Logged in using a self registration account in demo app-
502 Service Temporarily UnavailableBackend action does not existInvalid versionUse the correct version.