
✅ Email as user_id

These are the possible response codes when you make an API call to the /register endpoint with an email address as user_id.

Response codeErrorMessageScenarioResolution
200 OK-uuid valueRegister valid email address with expected values-
200 OK-"An email has been sent to the address on record"Register email address twiceIt did not duplicate the user record because it did not show UUID.
200 OK-uuid valueInvalid scope_id -
200 OK-uuid valueMissing scope_id-
200 OK-uuid valueRemoved scope_id parameter-
200 OK-uuid valueInvalid grant_type parameter-
200 OK-uuid valueMissing grant_type parameter-
200 OK-uuid valueMissing locale value-
200 OK-uuid valueRemoved locale value parameter-
200 OK-uuid valueInvalid site_identifier-
200 OK-uuid valueMissing site_identifier-
200 OK-uuid valueRemoved site_identifier-
200 OK-authorization_codenewPassword in not a required in client configuration settngs, and removed from payload-
200 OK-uuid value`newPassword is required in client configuration settngs, and available in payload
400 Bad Requesthttp_exception"Invalid json format"Empty payloadAdd the payload.
400 Bad Requestinvalid_parameters"Invalid json format"Invalid JSON format used in the payload.Use correct JSON format for the payload.
403 Forbidden errorhttp_exceptionForbiddenInvalid client_id valueEnter a valid client_id value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_form_fields"emailAddress": [
"Email address is not formatted correctly."
"error_description": "some inputs are invalid"
Register an invalid email addressUse a valid and properly formatted email address.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"error_details": {
"newPassword, newPasswordConfirm": {
"unexpected_keys": "Unexpected parameters found in the request."

no error description
newPassword is not required in client configuration settings, and available in the payloadRemove the newPassword profile field.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"error_details": {
"newPassword": {
"missing": "required"
"newPasswordConfirm": {
"missing: "required"
no error description
newPassword is required in client configuration settings, but not available in the payloadAdd the missing newPassword value in the profile fields.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"client_id": {
"missing": "required"

no error description
Missing client_id valueEnter a valid client_id value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"error_details": {
"client_id":"field required"
Removed client_id parameterAdd the client_id parameter and value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"auth_type": {
"invalid":"unsupported auth_type value"

no error description
Invalid auth_type valueEnter a valid auth_type value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"auth_type": {
"invalid":"unsupported auth_type value"

no error description
Missing auth_type valueEnter a valid auth_type value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"error_details": {
"auth_type":"field required"
Removed auth_type parameterAdd the auth_type parameter and value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"redirect_uri": {
"invalid":"invalid value"

no error description
Invalid redirect_uri valueEnter a valid redirect_uri value.
422 Unprocessable Entitymissing_argumentMissing Parameter: redirect_uriMissing invalid redirect_uri valueEnter a valid redirect_uri value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"redirect_uri": "field required"Removed redirect_uri parameterAdd the redirect_uri parameter and value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"error_details": {
"grant_type":"field required"
Removed grant_type parameterAdd the grant_type parameter and value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"displayName": {
"unexpected_keys": "Unexpected parameters found in the request."

no error description
Add additional field that is not part of profile_fields or forms configurationUse parameters that are allowed in the forms configuration.
422 Unprocessable Entity89unexpected_errorcould not find a flow named 'standard_global' with version 'xxxxxx" and locale 'xx-xxx'Invalid locale valueEnter a valid locale value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"error_details": {
"475":"Expecting value: line xx column xx (char xxx)"
Invalid value for legal_acceptancesEnter a valid value for legal_acceptances parameter.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"The Legal Acceptances were updated, you must accept before continuing"

no error description
The legal_acceptances parameter is set to false.Set the correct value for the legal_acceptances parameter.
503Service Temporarily UnavailableBackend action does not existInvalid version codeUse a valid version code.

✅ Mobile as user_id

These are the possible response codes when you make an API call to the /register endpoint with a mobile number as user_id.

Response codeErrorMessageScenarioResolution
200 OK-uuid valueRegister mobile number with expected values-
200 OK-An SMS has been sent to the address on recordRegister mobile number twice-
200 OK-uuid valueInvalid scope_id-
200 OK-uuid valueMissing scope_id-
200 OK-uuid valueRemove scope_id parameter-
200 OK-uuid valueInvalid grant_type parameter-
200 OK-uuid valueMissing grant_type parameter-
200 OK-uuid valueMissing locale value-
200 OK-uuid valueRemoved locale value parameter-
200 OK-uuid valueInvalid site_indentifier-
200 OK-uuid valueMissing site_indentifier-
200 OK-uuid valueRemoved site_indentifier-
200 OK-authorization_codenewPassword in not a required in client configuration settngs, and removed from payload-
200 OK-uuid valuenewPassword is required in client configuration settngs, and available in payload-
403 Forbiddenhttp_exception"Forbidden"Invalid client_id valueEnter a valid client_id value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"error_details": {
"newPassword, newPasswordConfirm": {
"unexpected_keys": "Unexpected parameters found in the request."

no error description
newPassword is not required in client configuration settings, and available in the payloadRemove the newPassword profile field.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"error_details": {
"newPassword": {
"missing": "required"
"newPasswordConfirm": {
"missing: "required"
no error description
newPassword is required in client configuration settings, but not available in the payloadAdd the missing newPassword value in the profile fields.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"client_id": {
"missing": "required"

no error description
Missing client_id valueEnter a valid client_id value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"client_id": "field required"

no error description
Removed client_id parameterAdd the client_id parameter and value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"invalid":"unsupported auth_type value"

no error description
Invalid auth_type valueEnter a valid auth_type value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"invalid":"unsupported auth_type value"

no error description
Missing auth_type valueEnter a valid auth_type value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"auth_type":"field required"Remove auth_type parameterAdd the auth_type parameter and value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"invalid":"invalid value"

no error description
Invalid redirect_uri valueEnter a valid redirect_uri value.
422 Unprocessable Entitymissing_argument"error_details": null
"error_description": "Missing Parameter: redirect_uri"
Missing redirect_uri valueEnter a valid redirect_uri value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"redirect_uri": "field required"Removed redirect_uri parameterAdd the redirect_uri parameter and value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"grant_type": "field required"Removed grant_type parameterAdd the grant_type parameter and value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"displayName": {
"unexpected_keys": "Unexpected parameters found in the request."

no error description
Add additional field that is not part of profile_fields or forms configUse parameters that are allowed in the forms configuration.
422 Unprocessable Entityunexpected_error"could not find a flow named "standard_global" with version 'xxxxxxx" and locale "xx-xxx""Invalid locale valueEnter a valid locale value.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"454": "Expecting ',' delimiter: line xx column xx (char xxx)"Invalid value for legal_acceptances parameterEnter a valid value for legal_acceptances parameter.
422 Unprocessable Entityinvalid_parameters"message": "The Legal Acceptances were updated, you must accept before continuing"

no error description
The legal_acceptances parameter is set to false.Set the correct value for the legal_acceptances parameter.
502Bad Gateway-Register invalid mobile numberUse a valid mobile phone number.
503Service Temporarily UnavailableBackend action does not existInvalid version codeEnter a valid version code.