Edge Guard

Protect your business at the edge of your customer identity stack

Next Identity Secure protects your customers, your service and your business at every layer of the customer identity stack. Edge Guard is a suite of modern security capabilities developed to offer protection at the gateway to your customer identity stack—before threat actors can reach customer data, or even impact service performance.

Web Application Firewall

All Next Identity traffic is protected by a global web application firewall (WAF) specifically tuned to detect and deflect threats to customer identities.

Rate Limiting

The Next Identity platform has a series of rate limiting controls in place to provide both throttling/burst capacity for events and protection across the landscape from noisy neighbors. The different rate limit configurations are outlined below.

Rate Limit TypeDescription
GlobalThe global API rate limit is set at the global level and accounts for the total requests that come through the platform for all tenants.
OrganizationOrganizations have specific identifiers that in turn have individual API rate limits. This represents the number of requests per minute that an organization can make.
ClientEach client id has a set of configurations and rules. The number of requests per minute is configured within the rule storage which is cached. Each request is checked against the rule set. If any of the rules are violated, such as a rate limit exceeded error, the API returns such a response.
IP AddressTo prevent malicious behavior including DDoS attacks, Next Identity limits the number of requests that can originate from a single IP address.
BurstNumber of requests per 10 min
Login AttemptsNumber of login attempts allowed during Login Attempts Threshold
Login Attempts ThresholdTime window for Login Attempts
Registration AttemptsNumber of registration attempts per IP address per Register Attempts Threshold
Registration Attempts ThresholdTime window for Registration Attempts

Security Ops

Next Reason's 24x7 team of operations engineers monitor signals, respond to performance and security alerts, and continuously tune your perimeter using realtime threat intelligence to inform automated and manual responses to detected customer identity threats.