Integration Insights
Explore the distribution insights of integrations with Next Identity Analyze
On the Integration page of Next Identity Analyze, you will be provided with a chart that enables you to explore the integration distribution in your organization. Navigate to Analyze in the left menu and select Integration to access this page.
Integration Distribution Chart
The Integration Distribution Chart offers a visual representation of the distribution of clients (apps) based on their integration types (Hosted Journey, Hybrid, or API-only).
How to Use the Chart
- View the clients' distribution by integration type.
- Optionally, filter the chart by Stage.
- Click on a section of the chart to view a list of clients belonging to that specific integration type.
- Select a client from the list to access the Client Details page and view additional integration details.
By examining this chart, you can gain valuable insights into the distribution of the integration types within your organization. This analysis will help you create more effective strategies and better understand your clients' integration.
Updated 7 months ago