Getting Started

Integrate your application with Next Identity

Once you’ve completed the Provisioning stage of your application onboarding process, you are ready to integrate your application with the Next Identity platform.

Integration is not self-served. Instead, your application development team should work closely with the Next Reason onboarding team to ensure that all configurations and settings are properly implemented.

Before we start integrating your application to the Next Identity platform, we need to do the following:

Complete the prerequisites

  • ✅ You need to have purchased a Next Identity license.
  • ✅ You should have completed the Kickoff and Provisioning stage of your application onboarding.
  • ✅ You need to know your Organization ID
  • ✅ You need to understand the basics of OpenID Connect

Share Credentials Securely

For each client and environment where you are using a confidential client type, we will provide you with a client secret so that you can complete a /token call. This method will also apply in situations where you use a direct_access client to access the database directly.

Applications using public client types (and using PKCE protocol for the /token call) will not need a client secret, and one will not be provided.

Configure Journeys via Next Identity console

The Application Management view provides a detailed and customizable view of your application's configurations. Through this interface, you can manage security settings, including rotating your application's secret for the desired environment. Additionally, you can view and adjust how your User Hosted Journeys are configured, tailoring them to the unique needs of your application.

The following journeys are available for configuration:

What’s Next

Once you're ready to begin with integration, proceed to choosing an integration method.