Integration Methods

Understand the unique features of Hosted Journeys and Journeys API to choose the integration method that best suits your app's needs.

When it comes to integrating your application with Next Identity Journeys, it's not a one-size-fits-all decision. The best choice for your app depends on various factors, including your team's familiarity with OAuth 2.0, your available resources, and the desired level of customization. To assist you in making an informed decision, let's take a closer look at the unique features and benefits of Hosted Journeys and Journeys API.

Hosted Journeys: Simplicity and Support

Hosted Journeys is designed to provide a fast and seamless integration experience, even if your team has minimal knowledge of OpenID Connect.

✅ Simplicity

With Hosted Journeys, your application can integrate in just a few weeks using pre-configured user journeys for registration, login, password reset, edit profile, and other common screens. The focus here is on ease of use and efficiency, reducing your onboarding time and effort, and achieving a fast time to market.

✅ Security

By opting for Hosted Journeys, you're choosing an integration method packed with robust, built-in security features. It includes bot management, threat detection, and password history management to help safeguard your application and your customers. Furthermore, with OIDC, no client secrets can be compromised, keeping your application's risk profile low.

✅ Fast Adoption of New Features

Hosted Journeys is continuously updated with new features and improvements. By choosing this method, you get the benefit of these enhancements without any additional development effort on your part.

✅ Compliance and Accessibility Handled

With Hosted Journeys, your application will benefit from out-of-the-box support for W3C guidelines for accessibility (WCAG 2.1). This means less work for your team and a more inclusive app for your users.

Journeys API: Customization and Control

Journeys API may be the right choice for teams that need a high level of customization and have the necessary OpenID Connect expertise.

✅ Customization

Journeys API enables your team to create unique customer experiences with a high level of control over the user interface design. Build your own screens and user experience according to your application requirements.

✅ Direct Control

With Journeys API, your team handles user authentication and authorization directly, giving you more control to customize user journeys to meet your unique application requirements.

Hybrid: Blending Simplicity and Customization

Can't decide between Hosted Journeys and Journeys API? Consider a Hybrid approach. This option allows you to utilize some Hosted Journeys screens for simplicity and security while using Journeys API for areas requiring more customization.

Comparing Integration Options

Each integration method has pros and cons depending on your requirements.

Features and BenefitsHosted JourneysJourneys APIHybrid
(Hosted + API)
Effort to onboardLowMediumMedium
Time to market1-2 months2-4 months2-4 months
Branding customizationLimitedHighMedium
Integration effortLowHighMedium
Operational supportFullPartialPartial
Journeys ensures compliance

App responsible for compliance

App responsible for compliance
Rapid feature adoption✔️
Automatic updates from Journeys

App must implement updates on their side
Depends on implementation
Security & Compliance✔️
Fully managed by Journeys

Must be managed by the App
Depends on implementation
User Interface control
Controlled by Journeys
Full control for the App
Full control for the App

Making Your Choice

Choosing between Hosted Journeys, Journeys API, and the Hybrid method largely depends on your specific requirements and circumstances. To assist you in making this choice, we have created a decision tree:

Simplified Decision Tree for Choosing Between Hosted Journeys, Journeys API, and Hybrid Approach

Simplified Decision Tree for Choosing Between Hosted Journeys, Journeys API, and Hybrid Approach

After using the decision tree, you can also refer to this quick breakdown for more context:

  1. Hosted Journeys: This may be your preferred choice if your priority is to get up and running quickly and at a low cost or if your team has limited familiarity with OpenID Connect. It is also a strong option if you value robust security measures, compliance assurances, and automatic feature updates. However, it offers limited customization.

  2. Journeys API: This method might suit you best if your application requires a high degree of customization and your team is well-versed in OpenID Connect. While it gives you more control over user authentication and authorization, it requires more integration effort, comes with a higher cost, and leaves the responsibility of handling accessibility and compliance to your team.

  3. Hybrid (Hosted + API): This approach could be ideal if your application needs some level of customization but also wants to take advantage of the simplicity and support offered by Hosted Journeys. The specifics of your hybrid implementation will determine the benefits you get.

While we've highlighted the features and benefits of each integration method, the final choice should be tailored to your unique needs and circumstances. As you decide, consider your team's proficiency with OpenID Connect, your available resources, the desired level of customization, and your application's specific security and compliance needs.

Next Identity is committed to providing a seamless integration experience regardless of your path.

For further assistance in choosing the best integration method for your application, please get in touch with our onboarding team.


Q: What specific technical skills does my team need to implement the Journeys API method?
A: Implementing the Journeys API method requires a proficient understanding of OpenID Connect and a strong foundation in backend development. It's more technically demanding than the Hosted Journeys option, as it requires your team to handle user authentication and authorization directly.

Q: What kind of operational support can we expect if we choose the Hosted or API method?
A: For Hosted Journeys, Next Identity offers full operational support. This includes regular feature updates, compliance, accessibility handling, and robust security measures. The operational support is partial with the Journeys API method. While we provide comprehensive technical documentation and help, your team is responsible for the integration process, accessibility, and compliance handling.

Q: If we start with Hosted Journeys, can we switch to the Journeys API or Hybrid method later?
A: Yes, you can switch between methods as your requirements evolve. However, transitioning from Hosted Journeys to Journeys API or Hybrid method might require additional development work.

Q: How often are new features added to Hosted Journeys, and will these require any work from our team to implement?
A: Hosted Journeys is continuously updated with new features and improvements. These updates are automatically integrated into your application without requiring any additional development effort on your part.

Q: What does it mean when you say: "Hosted Journeys handles all the accessibility and compliance requirements"?
A: When you use Hosted Journeys, we automatically ensure your application aligns with the latest accessibility standards (W3C guidelines) and compliance regulations (PP&C). This saves your team the work of staying current with these evolving requirements and implementing necessary updates.

Q: What are some use cases where the Hybrid approach would be ideal?
A: The Hybrid approach is ideal when your application needs a blend of simplicity and customization. For instance, a Hybrid approach would serve you well if you wish to maintain a high level of control in certain areas while enjoying the ease and support of Hosted Journeys for others.

Q: What kind of branding customization is possible with Hosted Journeys compared to Journeys API?
A: With Hosted Journeys, branding customization is somewhat limited due to the focus on simplicity and support. It does allow for some basic customizations, like logo and color scheme changes. In contrast, Journeys API allows for extensive customization, enabling you to tailor the user interface design to align with your brand's unique aesthetic.

If you still have any queries, feel free to reach out to our onboarding team for additional assistance.