Orchestrate your modern enterprise customer identity landscape
The Next Identity console provides customers with a modern, centralized interface for managing their enterprise customer identity landscape integrated with Next Identity.
Key Capabilities
The Next Identity console allows customers to:
- Access detailed consumer and platform analytics across numerous integrations
- Manage configuration assets inventories
- Administer user access and permissions
- Review comprehensive audit logs
- Integrate new applications with ease
- ... and more
Platform Views
The Next Identity console offers two distinct platform views, tailored to provide the optimal experience based on the user's role and activities within the platform:
Service Management View
This view is ideal for users who are part of a cross-application team of CIAM administrators. Users in this view have access to manage security policies and oversee CIAM strategies across a wide range of applications. It allows for high-level operational control, ensuring that security protocols are consistently applied across all managed applications.
Application Management View
This view is designed for users who are part of a specific application's team. It provides an individualized view of that application's configurations. Users can connect the application to the CIAM service, customize User Hosted Journeys, and adjust various security settings unique to that application. This view focuses on detailed management and customization at the application level.
Console Overview
The console's structure is essential for understanding its functionalities. The console is divided into the top navbar, the left sidebar, and the main window. Learn more about them in the following sections.
Top Navbar
The top navbar contains the Support menu, providing users with quick links to various guides and resources related to Next Identity. It also allows users to access the Next Identity public roadmap and check the platform's current status.
Main Window
The main window is where users perform core actions in the Next Identity console. The content of the main window will vary based on the user's selection in the left sidebar.
Feedback Form
We value your feedback. To provide feedback, locate the feedback button in the main window. This button can be used to rate your experience on any screen. Follow these steps:
- Select the Feedback button on the right side of the screen and rate us.
- Choose an emoji that represents your rating.
- Once you've selected your rating, additional options for entering your feedback and selecting elements on the page to comment on will become available.
Left Sidebar
The left sidebar is the central navigation hub within the Next Identity console. It displays the current customer’s name at the top, and users can easily switch between organizations if they have access to multiple organizations.
The sidebar provides access to most Next Identity functionalities, such as "Analyze" for viewing consumer and platform analytics, "Operate" for managing configuration assets, and others aligned with console functionalities. A convenient toggle lets users switch between light and dark display modes, and the logout option ensures a secure exit from the console.
Feature Links
The left sidebar provides quick access to various functionalities of Next Identity, each associated with different products, such as Analyze, Unify, Adopt, and Operate. Each link corresponds to a specific aspect of customer identity management, offering tools and insights to enhance your experience.
For a comprehensive introduction and details about each product and how these functionalities align with them, please visit the Introduction to Next Identity page.
Switching Organizations (Service Management View)
Managing multiple organizations within the Service Management view? Here’s how to switch between them:
- To access the customer menu, click on your account logo located at the top of the left sidebar.
- Select the desired organization from the dropdown menu.
Switching Properties (Application Management View)
Managing multiple properties within the Application Management view? Here’s how to switch between them:
- To access the property menu, click on the property name located at the top of the left sidebar.
- Select the desired property from the dropdown menu.
Changing Display Mode
For enhanced usability, you may want to switch the display mode from light to dark or vice versa. Here’s how:
- Locate the account menu in the bottom left corner of the screen.
- Click on your name to view the menu options.
- Click on the display mode toggle to switch between light and dark modes.
Logging Out
For security, ensure that you log out properly after using the Next Identity console. Follow these steps:
- Locate the account menu in the bottom left corner of the screen.
- Click on your name to view the menu options.
- Select the logout option to securely exit the console.
Need further assistance?
If you need further assistance with the Next Identity console, talk to your Next Identity consultant. They are there to support you every step of the way, ensuring a seamless experience with our platform.
Updated about 1 month ago