
Overview of user roles in Next Identity Console

Next Identity console offers a streamlined and secure user roles and permissions system tailored to meet the diverse needs of our customers. This document outlines the roles available to our customers within the Next Identity Console, each designed to provide specific access and functionality.

ViewerThe Viewer role provides exclusive view-only access to all system data without any modification privileges. Users can view all system data but cannot modify any information.
Feature Adoption ViewerThe Feature Adoption Viewer role is limited to viewing feature adoption metrics only. Users can track feature adoption progress without accessing other system functionalities.
Secret RotatorThe Secret Rotator role offers specialized access to read and rotate secrets, ensuring sensitive information remains secure and up to date. Users can read and rotate secrets.
Secret ReaderThe Secret Reader role is limited to reading secrets without the capability to modify them. Users can access sensitive information for operational purposes but cannot alter data.
OperatorThe Operator role is authorized to manage properties, clients, configurations, translations, and workflows within the Next Identity Console. Excludes secret rotation and user management tasks.

Requesting Administrative Tasks

The Next Identity Console offers distinct roles like Viewer, Feature Adoption Viewer, Secret Rotator, Secret Reader, and Operator, each with its specific set of permissions. For tasks such as inviting new users or managing roles, customers should seek help from a Next Identity consultant to ensure these operations are expertly managed, upholding the system's integrity and security.


User Management Advisory

If you need to invite a user or manage roles, please contact your Next Identity consultant.

If you wanna know more about our User Management feature, explore our guide.