Events in Workflows

Event Triggers: Responding to User Transactions

Events capture specific occurrences related to the end-user record or the end-user journey. They represent actions or changes that have occurred and can serve as triggers for workflows. Events such as a user attempting to log in, resetting their password, updating their profile data, or revoking an application's access to their data are just a few examples.

Please note that the available events are dependent on the source of the event. With third-party sources for events, Workflows capabilities are limited to what is available from that specific source. For example, if a third party cannot send Workflows an alert about a user record change in that system, the Workflows service cannot pass that event notification along to your application.

Source: Next Identity

Event NameDescriptionActions SupportedEvent Filters Supported
Pre-RegistrationTriggers after a user is successfully invited to activate their account but before they receive an email or SMS.Notify (includes link and data for email trigger)Configured per client ID
RegistrationTriggers after a user successfully registers an account, but before they are sent a verification method such as an email or SMS link.Notify (includes link and data for email trigger)Configured per client ID
Resend VerificationTriggers after a user has triggered the resend verification flow.Notify (includes link and data for email trigger)Configured per client ID
Forgot PasswordTriggers after the user has successfully requested to reset their password but before they receive an email or SMS.Notify (includes link and data for email trigger)Configured per client ID
Password UpdatedTriggers after a user's password has been successfully updated.NotifyConfigured per client ID
User Access RevokedA user has revoked access to an application.NotifyNext Identity property
LoginA user has successfully entered a username/password combination through the hosted journeys or the login API.Enrich (requires a response from the target system to proceed with the login event)Configured per client ID

Source: Akamai Identity Cloud

Event NameDescriptionActions SupportedEvent Filters Supported
User CreatedA new user profile has been created in Akamai Identity Cloud.NotifyNext Identity property
User UpdatedA user profile has been updated in Akamai Identity Cloud.NotifyNext Identity property, By End-user Attribute (coming soon)
User DeletedA user has been deleted from Akamai Identity Cloud.NotifyNext Identity property

Subscribing to Events

Currently, subscriptions to events can be configured as follows:

  • A listening endpoint can subscribe to all user data change events (e.g., User Added, User Updated, User Deleted, and User Revoked) for a property. Data returned in those notifications will be from a standard set and cannot be customized (see samples in the notifications section).
  • A listening endpoint can subscribe to all transactional email events (e.g., forgot password, verify email, etc.) for a client ID. Data returned in those notifications will be from a standard set and cannot be customized (see samples in the notifications section).
  • A listening endpoint can subscribe to all enrich events for a client ID. Data returned in the notification will be from a standard set and cannot be customized (see samples in the notifications section).